
Monday, November 18, 2013

My Favorite Things

Around this time of year we have all these celebrities doing shows on their favorite things.  Oprah started this, years ago, and then gave all of her favorite things away to the audience. 

I got to thinking the other day about my favorite things.  Of course it goes without saying that the love of my life, my children, my parents, my siblings, the rest of my extended family members, and my friends are my very most favorite things in life, but I thought I would list some of the not-so-obvious favorite things in my life.

  1. My dog, Buster, whom I love with all of my heart.  He has never once judged me or gotten angry with me.  He is aging and I will be very lost when he no longer roams this earth (or the house, under my feet)
  2. Coffee.  I know there are many people who would list this as one of their favorite things.  My coffee habit is more of an obsession.  I see nothing wrong with this.
  3. Music.  Pretty much any music (other than blues or jazz).  I cannot live without music in my life.  I have basically been this way since way before people were carrying boom boxes on their shoulders. (If you don’t know what this means, you are way too young to be reading this blog haha.)
  4. Chocolate.  This needs no explanation.  If you are female you know what I am talking about.
  5. Sweats. Sweat pants to be exact.  They are my favorite article of clothing.  I know this makes me sound lazy.  I am not lazy.  I just love to be comfortable.  I will never forget the day I found “dress” pants that feel like I am wearing sweat pants.  It was an awesome day!
  6. Campfires or fireplaces.  I just love the smell of a campfire and the sound of a crackling fire especially on a chilly fall evening.
  7. Football.  I love watching football on Sundays.  There was a time where I would have done anything to avoid the TV on Sunday.  Now I cannot wait for football Sunday and am so sad when the season is over.
  8. The change of the seasons.  I know plenty of people who would love to live in a climate such as Florida’s or California’s where it is normally warm and sunny.  Don’t get me wrong, warm and sunny are wonderful but if I didn’t have the changing of the seasons I would die of boredom.  I love snow storms and by the time I am sick of snow storms we are headed into spring.  I also love summer but by the time I am just about sick of the heat, here comes fall.  See how that works for me?
  9. Magazines.  I just love reading and magazines are my favorite thing to read.  I think it is because I never get bored with them.  There is so much information in a good magazine.
  10. The final thing on my list of favorite things this year is Facebook.  I know, ho hum boring.   I love keeping in touch with relatives and friends I wouldn’t normally see very often if even at all.  I have made many new and interesting friends through facebook.  Plus, who doesn’t like Candy Crush?  Ok, maybe that is a little over the top, but it makes me happy : )  Don’t even get me started on how much I love Pinterest.

What are some of your favorite things?

Till we meet again,


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