
Thursday, September 26, 2013

So I just read an article on fall fashion trends.  Normally I wouldn’t pay attention to the runway styles.  I just look for clothes that flatter this 40 something body without offending anyone.  Anyway, there are a few trends I definitely will not be wearing, but some I am happy to see.  Here is my take on what forecasters are saying is “in.”

Patchwork Denim -  This sounded interesting to me so I did an Internet search and found that some of the items are actually cute.  Then I realized this fad would make sense.  In the last few years, denim that has had holes sliced, cut, and torn into it was the fashion.  Now you don’t have to buy new jeans to be in style, just put a patch on your torn ones and you are good to go.  No real investment required other than some fabric to use as a patch.

Leather everything – The problem with this?  Ok well, lets start with the price, leather anything (real leather, that is) is expensive.  Beyond the price, leather clothing is not made for everyone.  I am not sure how you feel but anyone who is not perfectly fit for spandex (this includes me), should not be wearing leather.  Lastly, for the women in any stage of menopause, leather will make you sweat.  Enough said.

Slouchy beanies and baseball hats – I never knew baseball hats went out of style and slouchy hats?  I am not a hat person, but on the right person they can be cute.

Pajama Pants – Are for bed.  Can I get an Amen?

Lug Shoes – Shoes and boots are now being made with lug soles.  Originally designed for better traction, are now made to exercise your legs and are the dressy answer to Reebock’s toner sneakers.  I wonder if they work while I am sitting here typing?

There are a few things that hit the runway that I will hopefully be adding to my closet like a poncho, a blast from my past!  I used to love my ponchos when I was a kid and the new ones look comfy and cozy. 

Is there anything you are looking to add to your closet this year?  I would love to hear about it.  Feel free to post a comment.

Until we meet again
